Sherry Sherry             Group Channeling             1-20-2002

One of the things that we would speak with you about this evening is about communication.  And it is not about communication in the sense that you pick up a device of some sort, as a telephone, or a radio, or some other such device to communicate with one another.  But rather we speak of the communication that comes at a soul level - it comes at that level that you call mass consciousness.

And it is to understand that indeed there is that form, that energy that is called mass consciousness that does truly exist.  It does truly have influence and power, as you would say.  And we would say to you in this time that you would call the digital age, where everyone seeks instant access to information, instant communication and connection with one another, is that what you are truly seeking is access to the information that is present everywhere.  All knowledge is contained in the mass consciousness. And it is that when you tap into the Mass Consciousness, those things that you seek to know or ask to know are brought to you from the mass consciousness.

If you seek to communicate with one another, again you tap into that reservoir of energy that you would call Mass Consciousness, to reach directly to the one that you choose to connect with.  Some people call it telepathy.  But telepathy is to mass consciousness what Morse code it to communications as they are now. Telepathy is a limited version of the understanding of the higher consciousness that we are all one. Now does it mean that you jump in the river known as consciousness and allow yourself to be swept away by the current?  No, it is that you train yourself when to tap into mass consciousness, and when to be disconnected from it.

It would be as your computer.  You may have it turned on all of the time - and that would be awareness.  But it does not mean that you are sitting there waiting for every message to come in, reading every message as it comes in. Rather, when you feel the need, or when you are drawn, you go to your computer, you tap into it, and you read the messages that are meant for you.  If someone has an urgent message for you, perhaps the computer has a way to communicate with you, perhaps it calls you on the pager, or on a cell phone.

And so it is, in the Mass Consciousness, in the Higher Consciousness, all messages are out there.  When do you tap into it?  When do you receive your messages, from an individual, from a grouping.  And when one individual needs to connect with another, you can as you would say mark your message in a priority way, so that it will reach the person.  And if the person is tuned in to the higher levels of consciousness, they will receive it.

Now if they do not receive it, it does not mean that they are unable to tune in to higher consciousness, it means that at that time, they are either un-aware of how to do that, or they do not have their communication awareness turned on at that moment.  For even your computer takes time to reboot, to renew and regenerate. This is why often you will wake up from your sleep state with thoughts of someone, or inspiration of someone, or thoughts that turn out to be prophetic.  That you awaken from your dream state with, say, thoughts that a plane will crash into a tall building, and then it happens.  Because, in your sleep state, you were, instead of surfing the cyber waves, you were surfing the mass consciousness waves.  The thought waves.

In your culture it is a statement that is often made saying "the dumb animals, the poor animals".  The animals are already trying to show us a system of connection and awareness, not only within a specific species, but interspecies also.

There is a book called "A Farmers Almanac" that predicts what the coming year weather will be like based on signs that they read in nature.  What are the caterpillars doing, what are the birds doing, what are the squirrels doing, what are the beavers doing, what are the deer doing?  Are they growing extra fur, are they storing extra food?  Or are they being very blasé about the impending season of winter coming up?  And they base their predictions based on the characteristics and behavior patterns of the plant and animal kingdom.  In the plant and animal kingdom they call it instinct.  They know it is going to be a cold winter so they grow extra fur, they store extra food, the plants behave in a certain way, they shed their leaves early, or they grow a thinker bark.

It is that they are tuned in to their own level of mass consciousness and awareness.  They are communicating with one another.  And you may say, "Well, how do the dolphin in the ocean communicate with the squirrel in the tree, or the caterpillar on the branch."  They are putting it into their mass consciousness.  Today, you use satellites, radar, Doppler, to predict your weather.  But do you think one hundred years ago or a thousand years ago or five thousand years ago that the weather was a surprise every day?  No, the signs were read.  And part of the signs that were read, besides observation of the physical signs, was tuning in to the signs, and symbols coming from the mass consciousness, from the plant and animal kingdom.  For if we are all thinking in a language, say English, we might not understand what someone is thinking if they think in Japanese.  But, if they are thinking in symbols, in pictures, we will understand what they are thinking.  And so it is in the plant and animal kingdom.  Do the animals of the sea sense that their habitat is warmer than normal?  This is a symptom that you would call "El Nino" in a weather pattern.  But they communicate this throughout the ocean realm, and that communication goes into the mass consciousness of the plant and animal kingdom.  And that is communicated to the birds that travel vast distances, and take it with them as they go.

And you may say "well, Mass Consciousness is universal, so why wouldn't a thought coming from one place in the ocean go around the entire world?"  And it does, but your proximity to the original point of origin gives you an idea of the strength of the signal that you will receive.  If you get on an elevator with ten people, and all ten of them are afraid that the elevator is going to crash to the ground, you will be in proximity to that mass consciousness, and you will pick that up.  You will feel their fear, their concerns, their worries.  Your palms may begin to sweat.  You may begin to feel a little nervous and not understand why.  But if you were a thousand miles away, sitting on a mountain, swimming in the ocean, you will not be connected to the ten people in that elevator, and their fear, and their feelings, unless you consciously seek to connect with that.

And so it is that while a system of broadcast into mass consciousness goes out, it is the proximity to the point of origin, or to the next beacon that is carrying that message that you will tune in to.  Unless you are specifically seek that out.  And so it is, as you go through technology seeking to have instant access to information, instant communication with one another, what you are truly seeking is your connection once again with universal or mass consciousness.

So understanding this, and going back to the teachings where we have told you many times before that you are as such a beacon of light.  Understand that what you are projecting, what you are putting out is what you are putting into Mass Consciousness.  So if you get on the elevator with the ten people, and they are putting out the consciousness of fear and worry and concern, you may either be affected by that or you may put out your own energy of peace, serenity, calmness, assuredness.  And if you are an energy signal, if your thoughts going into mass consciousness are strong enough, the others on the elevator will begin to calm down also.  And nine of those ten people may not even know why they were feeling that way on that elevator.  It could be that the first person that got on the elevator had a great fear of elevators, and this was the first time they had ever ridden on one like this. And, one by one, as the elevator stopped on different floors, and different people got on, they also became affected by the energy thoughts being projected into mass consciousness by the original passenger on the elevator.

So it is to remember to be aware of the energy you project, the thoughts that you put out, and also that when you have thoughts that seem unsettling to you, or not resonating with you, ask yourself - are these my thoughts or the thoughts of another.  Perhaps you are picking up from another.  Perhaps you are picking up your fear of elevators from the other people on the elevator.  And you go "that was not my fear.  I release it. I let it go.  It is not mine.  I replace that fear with serenity, tranquility, that is what I exude.  That is what I am about."

And so let your presence in the mass consciousness be the presence that you wish to present.  And this is not to say 100% of the time that you are in perfection, and what you are broadcasting with your thoughts, your deeds, actions, your energy.  But as you become more aware of it, it becomes more and more predominant - that that is you, that is your projection, that is your energy, and that is your thought waves.  Well why is that important?  It goes right back to the mass consciousness.  One person being that beacon of light, one person being in peace and serenity and knowingness and tranquility can affect the energy of the other ten people in the elevator, and turn their fear into peace and tranquility that they will receive, and respond to, from the mass consciousness.  It is true, you have heard the words "mass hysteria", it is very true.  Everyone is calm and quiet on the subway, and one person gets upset and begins to scream.  And others don't know what they are screaming about. but they begin to scream.  And others further way hear all the screaming and they  think they must scream, or run also.  But they don't know why - they are acting to mass hysteria.  It all began with one.

So rather then create a mass hysteria, let's create mass peace.  Let's create a mass of energy.  You can not be a beacon of peace and light and say "I will pray for world peace, I will pray that we will all get along with one another" and then curse at the person that cut you off in traffic. And go to work angry about someone. Or be rude to a stranger in the store, in a public place.  Now this is not saying that you are expected 100% of the time to be perfectly at peace serenity, we are saying that is a goal to reach for.  But the more that you become peace and serenity, the more you will become peace and serenity.

You may say "that may not make sense."  The more peace and serenity that you are, the more peace and serenity you will be.  The more you will be, the more you are. The more you are, the more you will be.  For when you are peace and serenity, you will not think to yell at the person who cut you off in traffic.  You will not think to have a disagreeable word with a stranger in a public place.  We realize that there are your times that other people in your realm of influence may bring influences that take you away from center, or take you away from this peace and serenity - yes, that happens.  The difference is how long you stay away from that center, how quickly do you get back to it.  And when you are in that space, in that centered-ness, in that place of peace and serenity, then so can you project that energy even more forcefully and strongly into mass consciousness and allow it to take place.  For just as we gave you an example of on the subway, one person begins to scream, other begin to scream and begin to run, and they don't know why, also if you have one person sitting on a park bench, smiling contentedly, enjoying the sky. looking at the birds, observing the grass or the trees, others will also begin to gravitate to that, and slow down and relax.  And they will sit down, and they will look at the grass, or they will stop and they will look at the sky.  So to will they be influenced by this projection.

We realize that we have taken a great deal of your time, so we would ask now what questions you would choose to ask.