endorse the following event.
a Culture of Peace
September 21st, 2002
2004 DATES The
Prayer Vigil for the Earth is a living prayer woven into a seamless tapestry
of many traditions through collective experiences of faith. The Vigil is
a calling to all peoples to gather, to pray for harmony with the natural
world, peace among communities, and the well-being of all Creation.
Native caretakers of this land and other spiritual leaders will open the
Vigil with ceremonial prayers igniting a wave of offerings from the many
traditions from all over the world. Attending will be Harry S. Byrd,
William Commanda, Grace Smith Yellowhammer, Lilly Cummings, Baba Ngoma,
Baba Olatunji, the Mayan Staff from the Grand Ajqi’jab Confederation, Shinji
Shumeiki, KPC (Kunzang Palyul Choling), and The World Peace Flame (Life
Prayer Vigil is a family gathering. In all indigenous traditions, elders
are revered and recognized as the wisdom keepers of society. Grandmothers
and Grandfathers are needed. We invite senior groups, nursing homes and
families to bring your elders to be honored in this sacred circle.
We are strengthening our focus on the youth. They are our future, our elders
in training. We invite young people of all ages to come and participate
in a broad range of activities that are fun, interactive and designed to
discover their spiritual connection with nature. There will be opportunities
to help put up tipis and other structures on Friday, Sept. 20. There
will be ongoing opportunities to meet in smaller circles with teachers,
storytellers, and prophecy keepers from Native America, the African Diaspora,
and other traditions. There will also be a tipi devoted to silent
the ebb and flow of the Vigil in spirited expressions of prayer, gospel
singing, Taiko drumming and dancing the hora. Chant with Buddhists
monks, help create a sacred Yantra, walk around the Stupa, and hear the
magical sounds of a shofar. We will also experience periods of silence,
Jyorei and sacred movement. We encourage you to be present for as
much of the Vigil as possible in order to experience the spiritual energy
generated and held through the many prayers and ceremonies.
are many opportunities to help. Contact Suzanne Clarke, the new Volunteer
Coordinator: phone 202-244-3407; email address: <sjclarke@mindspring.com>
For additional information, contact The Circle, 11160 Glade Drive, Reston,
VA 21091, 703-620-2577. Email: <Oneprayer4@aol.com>
The Circle, 6114 LaSalle Ave, #116, Oakland, CA 94611, 510-777-0807(voice)
510-777-3445 (fax).
deductible donations may be made to The Circle 501C-3 #94-3133148 at the
above addresses. Website at <http://www.oneprayer.org/>