Sunday, April 9, 1995
Palm Sunday Group Session transcribed by Lori.

Very well, then, we do begin now. And we first begin by offering this prayer in which we ask Father/Mother God please be with us in this and all such works, leading us to that information that is of the highest good. Surrounding us in this home and property with the impenetrable white Christ light and raising our vibrations and our awareness to their highest possible within each and every moment. We are blessed by the presence of those working with us, in us, and through us. And we offer now a joyous prayer for all those souls in all realms and dimensions for whom there are none joined in joyous prayer at this time. We offer them many blessings and peace and love and light, in the name of our Father, the Creator of all things. And so it is that we are blessed, also. And so be it.

Well it is that we do welcome you, and we thank you for being here this evening. We thank you for participating, and sharing in receiving of energy, and the willingness to walk forward in that energy. For indeed, as many of you know and have experienced, it does take great strength, grounding, guidance, knowledge, intuition, discernment, wisdom, and any of those words that you would put in there, but it takes a great deal of beingness when all is said and done, to walk forward in this light, walk forward in this energy. And it is that there are those, as you know, have gone before, who have carried this light, but now as the light gets brighter, and stronger, which is the energy waves and pattern, becoming of the new millennium or the Aquarian Age, as it is called, the beginning of another transition of the consciousness of mankind, it takes many more to bring forth this light, be the torchbearers, to light the path for others. We can not always be attached to the outcome, how others may follow the path, or how they may walk the path. They may walk it backwards, they may walk it in shoes you don't care for or clothes you don't like, or go off from here to there. That is not your area of responsibility. Rather you have chosen the responsibility, and this is true for each of you here tonight. And we do mean each of you. That you have chosen to come to be the forerunners, the trailblazers, the light bearers, the light workers, the light beings. Being a light to light the path for others to find, for others to see, for others to become aware of, and this happens in many different ways. And it can be that you still may work what you call the mainstream job, but because of the energy and awareness that you take with you as you go there, you touch the lives of others. You may do it through the forms of communication, such as the on-line communications as you spoke of earlier, the electronic messaging systems. You may do it through the printed media, such as the paper. You may do it in the form of service that you go to different peoples homes and touch their lives. You may do it through the form of business presentation, and out of a hundred people, you may awaken one, but that's what you were there for. You have turned on a light in someone else, and they begin to illuminate another part of the path. They begin to make the illumination of the path brighter and brighter, for as the path becomes more illuminated, by many more light workers being upon it and bringing the light to it, it becomes harder for others to ignore it, harder for others to not notice it. And this is part of what the gentle awakening is. Now, some people, they will put on the blinders and they will not want to see. So they will begin to get their awakening in different ways, but know the ways the awakening comes, is chosen by each soul for itself. Not maybe, before the birth of the soul into the physical body that it currently occupies, it chose an easy path, but the what we will call dimensional-level consciousness or personality, got distracted by things in this physical realm or density, so then the soul is up there, going, hey, wake up, pay attention. And finally you know as we said they get out other instruments to get attention. And you know one that we joke about is a baseball bat or the 2 by 4, or the, you know, they have steam rollers and dump trucks, too to get attention. And so, you decide how easily you get your message. And how easily you listen. And also you show others how easy it can be. For every conscious choice that you make affects your reality and your experiences. And the more you become aware of this, and live in a state of consciousness, or consciousness-embodied as you would say, do things begin to flow better for you. And you begin to create more of the things you truly want in the way you would want them created. You don't want time off work by losing the job if you need the money to pay the bills. But also, it may be that you have created this time as an appropriate opening to a next step. But, you know you have heard it many times, but it still bears repeating, be careful of what you wish for, you may get it. Thoughts are things. Your thoughts are energy patterns. And sometimes they can be just as powerful, or even on some occasions, even more powerful, than the spoken word. The spoken word creates the vibrational energy that goes out, but thoughts are still energy being broadcast out. It's just like you may be having a bad day, and other people pick up on it though you have said nothing. It is the feel of your energy. Your appearance changes when your energy changes. So, to be aware of this, and to begin to live more consciously, and work on your energy. It is not selfish to work on your energy. You know, if your stomach wasn't feeling good, you would stay home and take care of your stomach. If your energy's not feeling good, treat it the same way. Heal your energy, so that you don't have an illness in your stomach, or your heart, or your head, or some other part of the physical body. Heal your energy, work on your energy. Be aware of the energy of others. Know that you can give energy to others, and you can receive it through Universal Source an unlimited supply. But remember to receive it. Some are so busy giving they forget to receive. Or they think they must receive it from others. We can receive it from others, there's nothing wrong with receiving it from others and exchanging. This is what love and bonding and blending of energy is about. But do not forget to receive it from Universal Supply or Source also. Next question you may ask is, "How do I do this?" This is also what being in a quiet or centered state is about, or a meditative state. If you do not have time for that, inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Draw the energy in, draw it in through sacred breath. Bring the energy in that way if you have time for nothing else. And give energy. But know that if you do not feel that you are in a place to give energy, you do not have to allow someone else to take it. For it can create an imbalance. You may not even be aware of it, that they are drawing energy out. Many of this has been described in the book, The Celestine Prophecy as far as seeing it, the visual interactions of energy between others. But also be aware of it with someone you may not even interact with. They may be standing near you and drawing up your energy. Animals are very sensitive to energy. As any of you that own pets know, especially the canine and the feline. When you are sick, they are right next to you and they are sending you inner healing. And when they are sick also they will want to be next to you to receive healing from you. So there is an energy exchange going on. This is why so many people often want someone to sleep next to. There's alot of energy exchanging going on. We're not speaking of what you call the sexual energy, we are just speaking of energy exchange and nurturing. It's like when you have one hand and one hand, they get much warmer when you put them together (rubs her hands together). They can create more energy between the two of them than they can individually. Each hand can create energy, but together they can create more. So, recognize this also when you work in partnership with someone. You're in an energy exchange, but also then that creates more energy for the both of you. So this is part of what the sharing and exchanging is about. And this is why this evening the early part of sharing did go on for quite some time. Were you aware that sometimes there was some restlessness or some wondered why is this going on so long? This is why. There was energy exchanging going on many connections being made. And as we have said before, yes, we have many messages to bring you. But each of you also have your own messages that come in different ways and different sources to bring and share. And that is what this is about is sharing. For all are equal and all are the same. But everyone provides their resource, their forte as you would say, in their own special and unique way. For if everyone was a healer, who would be the crafts person? Who would be the cook? Who would be the farmer? Who would be the mechanic? Who would be the veterinarian? You know, so if everyone was just the healer, then everyone would be well, but we might be hungry and not, you know, not well fed, for the farmers would be busy healing each other. So it is that each person brings in their unique resource, their talents, their energy, their uniqueness. And no two people are the same. You can have two very similar artists, yet they may appeal on subtle levels to different people. Their work calls to different people, gives energy to different people. So it is not that they are in competition with each other, they are each their personal best in their unique selves. And this is the thing to strive for in this lifetime - to be your personal best. Whether you are someone who scrubs floors, or a janitor, or the doctor, or the President. They are all equal. They're just different. Each one has different responsibilities. Now you may think it would be a good idea to have more presidents of this country or to have no presidents. But it is that if you had them, they would each be different, but still equal. So understand this in yourself, and appreciate this in yourself. For when you can appreciate it in yourself, you can then appreciate it in others. The person who cannot paint, greatly admires the artist. But the artist greatly admires the gourmet cook. So they enjoy the fruits of the labors of one another. So develop this in yourselves, and wherever you go and whatever format you are going in, know the lives that you are touching, know why you are there. Know you are in each time, each space, and each place for a specific reason. Even if it is not already readily apparent. And even if you have contact with no person, it may be that you are merely bringing an energy to that place. You know there are some places you go to and the energy feels very good and you choose to go back and go back. And other places you go into and you never feel drawn back there again. And it's the energy of those places that you are aware and sensitive to. And we could go on here at length about many, many things. But we pray that what we have said here has been of service to you, an upliftment to you, an understanding to you, and I've answered, perhaps, some unasked questions within you. And we would ask now, at this time, which questions it is that you would choose to ask.

MJ: Hello, I'm MJ, and I do thank you for all of that and you've answered all of the questions I have been thinking about for the past few days. I did want to ask, it seems like, well, I'm feeling grateful for how my life is unfolding, yet this week, there have been a series of days where I've felt, a certain level of upset. And I was wondering if you could help shed some light on that for me, about what the upset is about and what I can do for it.

SHAR*EL: Well, you would find, if you looked at it astrologically, it would be like a Mercury retrograde, here. And so it is some energy patterns, not within your realm or dimension so to speak of, of control or guidance, but rather feeling unsettling energies. When you feel these unsettling energies, look at what's going on in the world. Look at the news at that point, see what is going on. Has there been another murder, or violence, or families killing within families, you know, parents and children as we spoke of earlier, you're being sensitive and feeling these energies. And when you're not aware of them, they affect you. So when you see, ok, I'm feeling these unsettling energies, but I see it's coming from these events that are going on, for they create . . . they're responding to vibrations out there, but then they are creating more. I understand that. I send peace and love and blessings to that. I send that white light to that situation energy, and I reinforce the white light energy around me. And it'll again strengthen and ground you. For when you are sensitive to universal energies and the energies of others, it is not someone near you. It can be for massacres in Rowanda. Or Bosnia. You know, it can be something not even occurring in this continent. But you will feel the energies and be unsettled by them. Those can manifest in you when you are being sensitive to the energies, they can manifest in you in sadness, depression, frustration, anger and you will not even know why. Also, it can manifest in your relation. And you will not know why. You know, the Berlin Wall has come down. You did not know about it, but everyone is celebrating and you feel the good energies. Or you feel elation and you don't know why. But most often you keep yourself in a good space and you're aware of good energies. It's when you're affected by the not so positive energies, the disruptive energies, that you notice a difference. And so to be aware of these things that you are sensitive and feeling these patterns. And if you feel unexplainably sad or depressed or frustrated or stifled, see if it's related to a world event. And release that energy. And if not, go inside and see where this energy is coming from. And if you still can't get the message, and you feel like you're being stifled, say, ok, I guess I'm supposed to be still and I'll go make a glass of lemonade, I'll make the best of it. And know that that is a message also. To be still. And as you learn to work with the flow of that also, it will greatly diminish the time span. And it is as we spoke earlier, in another session, that as you are going through this growth period, and this is true for everyone, you may all of a sudden, have emotions coming up from a long time ago. About a friend that moved in 5th grade. Or a pet hamster that died when you were 10. And all of a sudden it brings up emotions and tears, and that is ok, it's a stored emotion. Bring it up and let it go, you may cry for a minute, you may cry for 10 minutes, but bring it up and let it go. Release it. So know sometimes that it may be coming from there also. But we feel at this particular instance, for you, it's more a sensitivity to what you call Universal energies going on and disruptions in that energy pattern.

MJ: Thank you. And I'm glad you mentioned about the past life stuff, this lifetime, because alot of that has been coming up, and I wanted to ask, as my other question . . . (question about parents).

SHAR*EL: Well, it is we would say to you, to center yourself and meditate on it. And to feel what is the best space for all of you, and also, as we have spoken before, speak to them on a soul to soul conference. This is where the healing needs to begin. We feel there is some denial there on their part as well. Is that true? {Yes} So, you need to come into completion with it with you, and if it helps you to come to completion by addressing it with them, even if they stay in denial, you need to understand that this may be where they're coming from. And not allow that to create a new energy issue for you. But you get angry -- How can they deny it? They were there, they did it, they know it happened. Say ok, well, I understand you're in denial, but at least I've cleared up my part of the energy and I'm complete now. And we feel this is the way to come from it and approach it.

MJ: Does it need to be physically spoken?

SHAR*EL: Well, yes, go inside. . . first do it on the soul to soul level before you go. And discern for yourself before you go. At this time we are being told that the answer is within you and you will know intuitively and almost spontaneously. You may go there with the decision - ok, I've completed it on a soul level, I'm not going to speak it. And you may get there and it's . . . you can't keep your mouth shut, it's coming out. So, we are being told, spontaneously, one way or another. It may either happen or not happen. Or you may go up there with a plan, that yes, I will speak it now and clear it up, and you can't pry your mouth open and drag it out. But you will respond intuitively and correctly to the energy that is appropriate. But the most important thing of all, is for you to release it on your part with or without their verbal connection with it. And we strongly feel that verbally, if you do approach it, you need to be prepared that they may not yet let down the denial. And do not allow the denial of it to become another issue for you. But allow it, rather to bring it to closure and completion on your behalf. And so it's like if you have a suitcase that opens from two different sides, with a partition in the middle. You have now closed your side of the suitcase. Their dirty laundry is still showing and they'll decide when they close their side of the suitcase.

MJ: Thank you very much.

SHAR*EL: And we thank you.

MARSHA: My name is Marsha. And I'd like to thank you for all the good energy tonight. And for last week and all I learned. My question is about finding three teenagers on my porch this weekend. {Background on the 3 teens} What you can help me with is my responsibility and what this is meaning in my life. My heart goes out to these kids, but this energy that the two of them have is not good in my home and I don't think it's good for the two of them to be together. Just whatever you can

SHAR*EL: Well, indeed you put out that mothering energy, didn't you? You built up so much of it, and released it all at one time. Look what that magnetism created. And, yes, the younger one, the 15 yr old you spoke of, at this time, is compatible with your home. What you need to be aware of is that overall this is a good and trustworthy person who does, yes, have emotional scars and energy scars that you are probably very well aware of, particularly the energy scars. But also, this is a person who has habit patterns that come with him. From where he has just come from. So you need to be aware of it and watch for those patterns. Such as not being completely open and honest, and also playing the victim to some degree. So you need to be aware of those and this is not to say that he was not truly victimized, but at some point, you know, they play up the victim part and make themselves totally not responsible. (Example) Neither action we would call very appropriate, but one kind of begets the other. So there's cause and effect there, so work with it. With the two older ones that you spoke of, they are in denial, they want to be free, like adults, but they're in denial of being adults, they still want to be children. And they are confused and they will take the easiest way possible. There is much volatile energy between them. Why? Because it shows somebody cares. They create the energy just so that they can have the drama and emotion that somebody cares. For that is what they understand. If it is quiet, somebody must not care enough to make noise. So they create the volatile situations between the two of them to create an energy exchange that bonds them and so that someone cares enough to throw out all this energy. For them, we would say, yes, there needs to be a boundary or perimeter of what is acceptable within your home as far as behavior, but most importantly a time frame. (Examples) (Exchange) Do it in the form of goal setting. (Examples) But they need to look at options and have not a deadline, but a goal or a target date.

MARSHA: Thank you very much.

SHAR*EL: And we thank you. And, yes, you need to watch when you put out that mother energy. The mother hen attracts many chicks.

ALTAZAR: Good evening, my name is Altazar. (Thank you to group for cleansing a neighbor's house) I have a couple of questions of clarity possibly. One question is the incredible amount of collectors I have out in Middleburg. Are they in danger of deteriorating the way that I have them?

SHAR*EL: Yes, now you didn't want to ask that question. Yes, {Do I need to stand them up?} Yes, even if you just begin by doing a section of them at a time. You know, you cannot go do, say all 200 of them at a time. But you could perhaps go do 50 at a time. We know it is a trip, but, it doesn't seem so overwhelming. You know, you may go and say well, we'll go do 50, and find that you get it going and do 100 of them. And not all of them are in danger of deterioration. Through that [water], but you will find there are some. (exchange) Yes, but make sure they are standing up against something very sturdy.

ALTAZAR: The other question of clarity I'd like to add is body-wise, physical, energy blocks, diet, I'm moving into 70 and 80 hr weeks and so I would love to . . .

SHAR*EL: Well, let us get out the 90 minute tape here for David before we start this. But, yes, you will find that to continue with the one ounce of Essiac is good for you. And to try as much as possible to eat fresher foods, live foods, if possible. . .


And this is true for everyone, particularly with the new seasons of produce coming in, to eat the live foods as much as possible and, of course, the organic foods as much as possible - the least pesticides and the least processed. And this is not so that you can never go and have the junk food. You can but, as long as you are getting the whole foods within you. So carry it with you in the form of snack. And we cannot say enough, how important the rest time is. If you can't get enough long hours of rest time, such as our friend David here, we thought we would point that out for him. Is to get some center time or some quiet time. Even 10 minutes of or 20 minutes of center time can be equal to having a couple of hours of rest. Both physically, emotionally and mentally. This is very important. So try and create that quiet time. You're doing very well by creating the garden time and grounding with your . . .(someone asks a question; too low to hear).

ALTAZAR: With the new avenues that are opening up, as far as out of the solar company, but yet bringing the solar company into it, do you see my time being freed up a little more by getting . . . do you see anywhere in the future that I'll have more time to do what I need to do/ want to do?

SHAR*EL: Well, it wouldn't be soon enough for you for you'll find you'll get busier before you get quieter. But when you get quieter, it will be easier. You keep asking questions you don't want the answers to.

ALTAZAR: So are you saying that the more grounded and centered the time I spent in quality?

SHAR*EL: Yes, you'll have quality instead of quantity at this time. And of course, with your brother here, you know, the two of you working together, be it in the garden, even for ten minutes - very good energy there. They keep calling your brother's name, "David." How many are you up to now in this lifetime?


SHAR*EL: Well, I guess it's one way to find them.

ALTAZAR: Is there anything that you would like to share with me that would be in my highest good at this time?

SHAR*EL: Well, there is some energy blockage over the forehead and the top of the head. And to do some energy brushing and blending there and also a cranial adjustment. You cannot find one to do that? (Exchange, thank you) Yes, and we remember three years, yes, we do. And David will laugh when he hears that on the tape. But look in the mirror sometimes, if nothing else. (A - What good will that do?) You will find someone to work on you there. There's a healer in that mirror. You keep looking for it outside of yourself.

ALTAZAR: I think it was last night after the movies, I went to bed and I was just charged with this energy. I started invoking the energies and I was under attack - I guess weeks ago - and I had this spear that was through my neck and ear right here. And I kept saying, I'm going to get to it, I'm going to get to it, to get it out, get it out. And just last night - I put up with it for about three weeks - and decided to get that thing.

SHAR*EL: And thank Altazar. It took Altazar to initiate action.

ALTAZAR: Yeah, but the thing is that I should have paid more attention to it at an earlier stage. I put up with it for a long time.

SHAR*EL: Well, next time you'll be faster.

(Thank you exchange.)

BEV: Good evening, this is Bev. Can you tell me what's going on with my children? How they are?

SHAR*EL: Well, you would find that, in the emotional sense, as far as, say a mother looking down from spirit, you know, they are fine. They are well taken care of. Deep inside, yes, they have conflicting emotions and you know what they are. But also you know the strength of energy that children can put into something particularly the energy of self-righteousness, self-indignation, and particularly when someone else is fueling that fire. And you know that this is the energy that is being projected right now. It is also sometimes a defense mechanism, a way of smothering something that they can't deal with. They cover it with a wall of indignation/ self-righteousness. So, in an emotional sense you find they're strong. You know they are not abused, they're not hungry, they are not emotional basket-cases. And if someone tells you that, (that they are emotional basket-cases) they are not telling you the truth. They're telling you what they want you to believe.

BEV: Have any of my efforts this year done anything to change that lately?

SHAR*EL: Yes, they are planting seeds. And you know we have spoken before of plowing this field and planting the seeds. It is very hard work and the results are not always readily apparent. But know that when we plant the seed, trust that the universe will do its part, and they will grow. They may grow this month, they may be something like an apple tree that takes years to bear fruit. But they will grow. So know that you are planting seeds. Do not give up. Do not back off. The more you are backed off by someone trying to back you off, the more you will have to explain in the future. But make your efforts. Make them in good faith. Make them in open heart. It's not a contest. You're coming from a loving space. You have much love. You have much compassion. You had to do healing for yourself. If you are on the airplane, they say, mothers give yourself the oxygen first. You are doing that. It is very appropriate. It is not always understandable, but it is very appropriate. So this is where you are at, and this is where you've been. You're coming from a loving space. Continue to plant the seeds. They will eventually bear fruit.

BEV: Can you tell me anything that would be in my highest good to know, you know, in everyday life?

SHAR*EL: Know that you have more energies coming in to you, you have a much softer energy about you now. And some of it is that you are coming to completion with some of the issues that have been predominant in your life in the past year and 1/2 to 2 years. So, some of those issues are coming to resolution, and the way, the path away from those and the completion of those issues is becoming clearer. So, you have more energy coming into you and more creative energy. Know sometimes that some of this energy may seem to manifest in the form of acceleration of some of your symptoms. But do not worry, do not let that back you off. Continue to bring that energy in. Go beyond that and go to the next step. Continue to work with that. Continue to allow the energy to flow through you - creativity. You know, bring it in, into the written word, into expressing yourself. Bringing healing into yourself will allow you to bring it in to others. Know that there is much more pink and gold energy about you now. (Thank you exchange.)

Name?: I have several questions, it may seem very trivial to you, but (There is no trivial question.) One I have a very deep concern about is a cat that lives across the street from the trailer. What's going to happen to that cat? What can I do to help that cat in its journey upon this earth? (And what color is the cat?) The cat is gray striped with socks. And I call it Socks. It is obviously a stray - it had not been fed until we moved in to the neighborhood - and then I would feed it, but my husband is upset over me giving it kindness and food, but it's starving. (Gets too low to understand)

SHAR*EL: Well, we feel here that what you have is someone that would be like a loyal guardian cat. We don't see this as being the affectionate indoor cat, but we see it appropriate to continue to provide for it and nurture for it. And we would say to ask the husband, what does he feel it is taking away from him? Why does it bother him? This is the real issue here. It is to help him look inside himself and see why it bothers him. Is it that he doesn't like cats? If he didn't like cats, he wouldn't care and it wouldn't bother him. There's something there that bothers him and that's what he needs to look at.

Name?: The second question that I have for you is: I am in search of my guides. Do you know who my guides are?

SHAR*EL: Well, yes, you have several, as does everyone. And this unusual name, and the very first name that we would get is someone by the name of Barney. It's not purple and green (Reference to the childrens' TV character), but someone by the name of Barney. And we are being told that this is someone who has been with you in other lifetimes, most often in the form of parent or teacher, and while that is a male name, it is one that has been incarnate with you in both the female and the male. As was spoken earlier, one of the ones that works with you is the Archangel Michael. And, yes, we are being told here there is someone who predeceased you ancestrally also with the name of Margaret or Peggy. Is there someone that you know by that name? (My mother, Marjorie) And, yes, that is someone who is around you also. You would find also, Saint Germain is one of the guides that works with you.

Name?: One other question, well, I've got two others, but one of them is: I get very strange overwhelming feelings at the most quiet times in the morning. And it only comes to me in the morning. And I'm not sure why, that I need to have some understanding about this overwhelming feeling, as I do cry. On the other hand, I don't know if I'm mourning or if I'm rejoicing. I cannot distinguish what it is that I feel. I just know that it's very overwhelming.

SHAR*EL: Knowing compassion and empathy for the Earth, and for the consciousness of mankind. And when you're in that quiet space, you allow yourself to feel more of it. So, yes, it is a mixture of tears. It is crying for compassion and empathy of what others are suffering and going through, both on the physical, mental and emotional level throughout this planet. And sometimes it is also tears of joy. For it is just as if you are in labor. You have much pain and you're crying. While it is tears of pain, it is also tears of joy for what is about to occur. So this is what you are feeling.

Name?: The last question: What ties do I have- I feel very strong ties with my son, and I'm not sure what those ties that I feel have been, and why they feel so strong. There is a very strong bonding with him as I feel with my daughter, but they're both very, very different. And how can I help him?

SHAR*EL: Well, we would find that it would take a great length of time here to go into that, but the one thing that we will just say is -like a headline of your connection with your son- is that he saved your life in a very important time for you. And he was very instrumental in saving your physical life in a time past. It is one of the strong bonds of like, say, brotherhood between you, for he very much risked his physical life to rescue you. And as for the other things we find there's a great deal of information there that we would go into. And at this time, it would not be appropriate, but know that, yes, you do have bonds with both of them. But this is one of the strong bonds that comes with you and your son.

Name?: Is there anything that I need to know for the immediate time that I should be aware of?

SHAR*EL: Well, to continue your quiet time and meditation. And even five or ten minutes of quiet time or being centered in meditation is of great benefit. And to keep this energy and light around you as described earlier. (Thank you exchange.)

DEBBIE: This is Debbie. I don't really think I have very specific questions to ask, like Altazar, as far as my health and nutrition and so forth. (Fades out, can't hear rest of question).

SHAR*EL: Well, we see at this time very important to you to have lots of greens around you. And there is a very shocking and surprisingly, some purples. *Giggles* Well, we have to keep Dave awake here, keep him entertained. But, yes, very strongly you would find like the emerald greens and the deep blues, very clear blues. You might say like those stained glass colors. But, yes, very important to have these colors about you. Whether you wear them in stones, or in fabric, or place a piece of fabric upon your bed that you sleep upon that has these colors. This is very important for you.

DEBBIE: Anything else, as far as nutrition, and then, I guess, also with my search for my career?

SHAR*EL: Well, you're not searching for a career right now, you're searching for a job. (Oh.) But you knew that. But we wanted to make it clear here for you. You're just searching for a job to bring in some income. A career for each of you here, is quite different from jobs or work as you know, but as we said before, you will have this open time and we know before that we said we felt it to be about three to four weeks, and at this time we feel it is slightly a wider gap of time. To be more about six weeks, but you know how to fill up the time. And use it to your advantage.

DEBBIE: And I've been working . . . (fades) would that be beneficial for me or should I be doing something else that would be more beneficial?

SHAR*EL: With that and working with the white and gold light. It's hard to get much better than that. But don't limit yourself by that statement. (Very low question from Deb) No, nothing in particular. For you are doing many different things here and working well with the energy and we see just to continue in that state. (Thank you exchange)

JEAN: Thank you for what you've said so far, actually they are questions that we need. Last week, when I asked you if you had any insight into my seeing the raccoon coming about lately, and you said that I should look it up in the Medicine Cards. Well, I went home and the raccoon is one animal that is not in the Medicine Cards. And I was thinking, well, what do I know about raccoons? So, if you could elaborate on that for me.

SHAR*EL: Well, raccoons are what you call survivalists. They can survive anywhere - be it in the woods or be it in the city. They find a way to survive for they are very clever and they are very quick. And they're very intelligent animals. You know, people say, "dumb animals." No. They're very intelligent animals, that's why when they're pets, they get into so much mischief. Because their mind is constantly going. They're constantly doing things. They can see well in the dark and in the light, though they prefer the dark. And they can work anywhere and survive anywhere, and they're very quick and very clever. And, of course, their name is "the Bandits." You know, that's why they have the mask. But they like to get things, just like crows. They like to get things and store them. And get shiny things. Not necessarily food. But they like to store things.

JEAN: Well, how is that applicable to me? I don't see the connection there. I mean, I love raccoons, --

SHAR*EL: Well, as you go through many changes here, know that you are clever and know that you are a survivor. And you know a raccoon can eat naturally in the woods, or he can forage from the trash cans of the suburbs. And know that no matter what changes - we're not saying you're changing or moving, we are saying more like energy changes. . .

JEAN: Am I going to be a bag lady? *Laughter*

SHAR*EL: No, not this lifetime. But know that as changes in energies come, that you can go through them. You are very clever. You know ways to deal with them. You know, just like a healer - if they're at the scene of an accident, they don't have a medical kit with them, they know how to improvise and still do their work. So it is that you can do many things under many different circumstances. And to remember that.

JEAN: I'm feeling good, I've been working outside and I really like that. Do you have anything that. . .

SHAR*EL: Well, as we said earlier, do be careful near the edge of the water. You know, do be careful near the mud. Nothing disastrous there but who wants to fall down? And to continue the energy with the trees. And particularly if you have any flowering trees near you. To be near those. And to bring the flowers as they fall off the tree, you know while this is not a bouquet, see to have a small bowl or basket that you place these in. And not so much for fragrance, but as for energy. We feel also that in the next week, you will see, nearby you, you will see a hawk and you will see a dove. And of course this is symbolic of the aggressor and the peace. So know that you are able to see the paradox in many things. You will see them very close to each other. (Thank you exchange)

ELAINE: I have a tendency to be very sensitive to and open to alot of different energies. And although I have been working the last several years in becoming a clearer conduit of energy, I still feel that I am holding on to alot of energy. Part of it is the weight, and part of it is pain that shows up in my shoulders and my upper back area. And it seems the more I open, the more I can feel it. And I think it's not flowing completely through me. And I am not quite sure what would be the best way to facilitate having it flow completely through me.

SHAR*EL: Well, work energy in which the exercise of putting your hands together and visualizing the energy and feeling it and stretching it out. And feel the energy and begin to feel how much you allow to flow through you to create that energy between your hands. And this then give you almost like a gauge or barometer to go by of what you feel coming in to you, to what you feel going through your hands. And so it intuitively, and on a subconscious level, give you guidelines that you will say, your subconscious will say, yes and I wanted to remember to save up this much energy, I pulled in this much. So it will help guide you. And yes, you are storing energy, and there are many different past life issues related to that there, you know from not having enough energy to not having enough food. But those are many different things that we can get in to at another time. But you would find that this is some of what creates it. And yes, part of the physical body is also for grounding quite a bit of energy. For also, as you build up energy, and this is true, again, for everyone, as you build up more energy in your body, you are able to be a conduit to more energy also. So this is part of what you are doing. But, yes, there is some blocked energy. We find also that there seems to be a rib out of alignment, we would say, in this area of the body. Most likely the. . . we would say the right side there. So, if you would go to like a chiropractor and have them do an adjustment on you and align the spine again. And get the rib back into place.

ELAINE: And so you are saying that if I did the hand exercise I would imagine or visualize the energy coming through the hands rather than coming down and out through my feet.

SHAR*EL: Right. You'll feel it coming down through your hands. And you will feel it in your hands, and if you do it in a dark room, you will begin to see the energy. But then, feel how much you are bringing through you to create that. You know, it's like if you have a gas stove, you learn after a while to work the dials effectively to get just the right amount of flame. And how much gas you bring in to create that flame or that energy. And so this is the same way.

ELAINE: And what can you tell me about my primary purpose in this life? And the best way to fulfill that?

SHAR*EL: Well, here we go again in that we would need two 90 minute tapes here. But you would find just for the headlines here, that yes, you have many intuitive, healing capabilities. And this is both on the emotional level, the mental level, as well as the physical level. For you know they are all combined one way or another. And you intuitively know how these are connected and related to one another. And so these are areas that you will continue to explore and study. But also know until that time that you manifest that, say as your career option, that as you bring this energy in to you, you touch the lives of others. Others will be aware that you are different. Others will speak to you all of a sudden, they will confide something to you and you will share something back with them. That will begin to open a door. (Thank you exchange)

DAVE: First off, let's answer Lori's question. Do you remember what it is?

SHAR*EL: She wants to know what the olive green energy is. She would find it's one of the guides that goes by the name of Bo.

DAVE: I have a new brother here. Could you elaborate on that a little bit?

SHAR*EL: Well, as you know, you two have been together many times before. And this is just getting back together again. And you have been brothers in the biological sense, and brothers in the form of camaraderie or fraternity, be it as working together, scientist or in the healing temples, or a sailor as you have had some adventures together.

DAVE: I experienced some very intense physical symptoms of illness Thursday night that seem to be happening in a 30 to 45 day cycle. Is this spiritually induced or is it an illness or is it a cleansing of toxins that I can do in some less painful manner?

SHAR*EL: What if we said yes to all of the above? You would find that most lymphatic cycles have a 90 day cycle. And you have stepped yours up and speeded it up and what you're having is a major drainage of the lymphatic system that is producing a toxic-like effect. And so you are cleansing the body. So, yes there are ways to avoid that. Some of the ways are through the drinking occasionally of acidophilus milk or taking of acidophilus products. Also, manual drainage of the lymphatic system, and yes, we will make a video, as you have said, of that. But, manual drainage -- this is something that you and your wife perhaps, like every 25 or 30 days, could do for one another. Set aside and evening where you work on one another and drain the lymphatic systems of one another. Of course, you can do this yourself, but, why not make it a partnership? Also, to work on one another, and also, as you begin to feel this come on, take some charcoal capsules to help with the cleansing of the system.

DAVE: How would you like to proceed on producing your information?

SHAR*EL: Well, it is our information. It is everybody's information. But, yes, it is that you are putting it into a format. And we would say that to draw the skeletal outline as you said, and to get the questions that are of interest to everyone under those topics and areas. And to proceed from there.

DAVE: Very well, it shall be done. Anything else you have to offer us this evening?

SHAR*EL: Well, it is in many times you have been the scribe also, the recorder of information. There was the time when you worked often by candlelight. You did bring some damage to your eyes. So be aware not to repeat that pattern in this lifetime. For you did work long and diligently. And we will say this also, that there is much, as others would say, rejoicing or celebration, joy, happiness, at your openness and complete we would say, dedication to your own growth. And the very accelerated pace at which you take it. And we will say this for the benefit of others and to give you a laugh: yes, it was very wonderful the TV time that you have given up for this. You made it a choice rather than having the TV blow up. And this is with a brand new TV. So, yes, you put the largest temptation before you and you tested yourself. So it is that there is much rejoicing and celebration, but also much honor and appreciation, and many (?- can't hear over the cough) for that what you do and will be doing, and overall for your growth and the growth that it brings to others. And will continue to bring to many through your works and the assisting of works with others. So we say thank you from many.