Tape X 5/21/95. Group session in Leesburg, VA. Transcribed by Lori.
SHAR*EL: Very well, then, we are here with you now. And we first do begin with this prayer in which we ask Father/Mother God please be with us in this and all such works, leading us to that information that is of the highest good, surrounding us and this home with the impenetrable white Christ light, and raising our vibrations and our awareness to their highest possible in each and every moment. We ask now for the Lord Saint Germain and the Archangel Michael to be with us, working with us, in us, and through us. And we offer now a joyous prayer for all those souls in all realms and dimensions for whom there are none joined in joyous prayer at this time. We offer them many blessings, and peace, and love and light, in the name of the Father, the Creator of all things. And so it is. And so be it.
And it is that we do welcome each of you. And as you see there is what you would call a lesser quantity of physical participants in the room at this time. It is that there are many energies shifting, and there are those at this time, being called elsewhere. But also those for whom this energy is still a bit unsettling for them, still a bit more than what they can quite deal with. It is as they go back and rework their foundations, and strengthen their foundations, so that they can once again, continue to grow in their energy. And it is wisdom that you do this. For there are times when you need to pause, to say, refurbish or reinforce the foundation to continue your growth. To continue your upliftment. And it is that if you do not take time to do these things, then the foundation cannot support you in the continual growth. So it is wise to do this. And this is on the mental, the emotional, the energetic, the spiritual, the physical levels and realms. And this is why we say that, it is most important, even if it is but five minutes per day, to take that quiet time, that time of being centered, and literally being in your space, creating your space, creating your energy about you. And this is not only important for yourself, this is not a self-serving act, though it does serve the self, but also it serves others. For as your energy continues to resonate compatibly with the higher and higher energies coming upon the planet, and indeed this dimension, not just this planet, but this dimension, at this time, will others be drawn to you, to find out what it is that you have. Their antenna, their radar that they have picks up that you have something that they want. And so they are drawn to you. Or they see you coping well with a multitude of changes, or frenzy going on, or attitudes, or increased pace, or energy, or tragedy, or Earth changes, or emotional changes. And they see you dealing with it in a strong and calming manner. So they are drawn to you for this strength, and for this centeredness and this calm that you project. And while you may not always feel that you are projecting this out to others, that you are presenting the appearance of being calm, still, your energy is calmer than others. Your energy is more grounded and centered than others. And as such, even for the child, do you go forward as an example. And as you make these changes in yourself, do you uplift others and show others the way. For this is a path that each one in this room has travelled in a previous lifetime. And it is a path that has say, gotten covered with dust, or overgrowth and cobwebs for many many people. But, as you go through, be it with a broom, or with a machete, whatever it takes, to clear the path. You know, and some people say well, we're light workers so we'll use a flame thrower to clear the path, you know really brighten it up. It is that you clear away so that others may see what that way is. So, as you go along your path, you are showing others a path also. And it is not that they necessarily follow exactly in your footsteps. The path is very wide. The path has many different levels and areas of it. So it is that they need not follow exactly in your footsteps, or you may be a mile or twenty miles ahead of them, but they could not be where they were at if someone had not cleared that path, to go before them. And so it is that you do this in this manner. And you do this for yourself and for others. But, also, very importantly, as you center and ground in your own energy, as you make positive and uplifting changes in yourself and in your energy, are others affected by this energy, and want to make the same positive changes in themselves. And also do you then, anchor that energy upon this planet. That is why, say you go to a farmland, or say someone has been farming through three generations on this land. They know the land. They know the earth. They love their family. They love the land. You go there - it feels good to be there. These people know what they are about. They know what they are doing. They may not necessarily be what you would call spiritually awakened. And if you went and spoke of some of this to them, they would go - oh, well, you're one of those wierdos with the mumbo jumbo. But they work with the devas and nature spirits. They work with the rythm and vibrations of the earth, the energy of the earth. They know, so it feels good to be there. Then you go to another area. A densely populated area where there are too many people crammed in on top of one another. Such as some of the heavily populated cities. And we could go very close and say even - Metropolitan Washington. Or we could go to say, you know, like the Spanish Harlem area of New York city. But, you get so many people on top of one another, disconnected from the energy and cycles and rythms of the earth and the universe. Their energy is very discordant, and that discordant energy causes everyone else there to be discordant also. To be disruptive. To be angry. To be tense. To be shielded. And numb so they don't feel. And it is to come back in to feeling. So and it is just as Mother Theresa can walk into one of these areas, and no one will harm her, no one will mug her, even if they do not know who she is. For the energy and presence that she carries with her does not allow that type of activity to be around her. She is safe wherever she would walk on this earth. Even the animals recognize her energy. So it is every day , even if you can only take five minutes, ten minutes, you know the more time the better, but any time is good. And bring this energy about you. Center this energy in you. Be and live this energy. Share this energy with others. Now it is also you say you know I've worked with this person. I gave them energy. I've talked with them. I took them into my home. I fed them. I did everything. And they still went back to their old ways. You know, they went back to drinking, or drugs, or fighting or stealing or cheating. You know, whatever it was that you tried to help them change. Well, it is that when you give to someone, or when you seek to help someone, it is best to be unattached to the outcome. Unattached to the results. For you cannot change anyone else. You can give them the tools to make the changes within themselves, but truly only they can change themselves. You know, it's like the person that says, Oh I will quit smoking for you. No, don't quit smoking for me, quit smoking for yourself. For then it will last. So with this person, you hand them the tools to make changes within themself, but if they do not make these changes, you cannot be attached to the outcome. But also you can decide at what point do you quit giving to them. For the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one. And even in the Bible it speaks that you do not cast the pearls before the swine. And it is that if you are giving good energy, and giving good health, good sustenance, good guidance or leadership or to the best of your ability, to someone and they continuously take it, but do not heed it or do not grow with it, or do not utilize it, that is their choice. At least you gave them something. Maybe it is a key that will open a door for them in the future. Maybe it is a key that will rust away and turn into dust. But you have given them what you can. But at some point you can also make the evaluation for yourself, that this energy is better utilized with others that are open and receiving to it and will work with it. And have true desire and intent truly down deep inside of them. So it is appropriate to give and help others and to be unattached to the outcome. And it is also just as appropriate to evaluate when it is correct or in balance or of highest good of all to no longer give to this person or that person. And rather give to another that will utilize it. For it is you know they say you know you try to rescue a drowning person, but if they don't want to work and help rescue themselves, they want you to do all the work, chances are they can pull you down in with them. And you can drown with them. And this is a metaphor of how they can say draw you in. And drown you. And you can lose your strength and your ability with them. And so at some point you say - does it serve the highest good of all involved if I go down and drown with this person? Or does it serve the highest good of all involved if I now allow this person to have their fate and I let go of their hand? So that I can be here and give my strength and energy to help another? So understand this as you go through your day to day life. And understand you will touch the lives of many, in many different ways. And we go on about this, we know that we have mentioned it before, but because it is so very important, and you shall see the need of it more and more in the next few months. It shall become stronger and stronger, you know they say only the strong survive. Well it is that you are all indeed with great strength to handle the things to come, but there is not one thing coming that each and every individual present in this room at this moment, both in the physical and the etheric sense, for we do have visitors of the etheric that have physical bodies, but they are here in the etheric sense as you know, that cannot handle this. So do not think that we do not mean each of you sitting here. Each being and individual here is capable of handling, and quite competently, everything that is coming. And that is why you are here (giving/moving??) this evening. It is not that you are better or best than anyone else. But it is at this time you are more capable than many upon the planet to handle the changes that are coming. And we are not speaking of scary things, we are not speaking of you know, California sinking into the ocean, you are going to see some earthquakes over the summer. You are going to see some natural disasters, that is nothing new. You are going to see even some major accidents. You know, 17, 20 people killed at a time. You will see accidents. You will see people still being agitated. As we said, child killing parent, parent killing child, brother against brother, brother against sister, you will see this within family groups and within friendship groups. You will see continued agitation and murders as you would call it. And sudden deaths and deaths through accidents. Death through things that seem to be tragedies and catastrophies. These are people checking out they can, on a level, they know what is coming and they feel they can not even handle that. And what is coming is not the catastrophies as foretold, but more strong energy. And we will need to be more and more responsible for ourselves, our thoughts, and our actions as time goes on. And this is true for the general population as well as for each individual in this room. We are more responsible than ever in the past. For many thousands of years, for our thoughts, and our actions, for thoughts are things. Thoughts are energy form. You know there is the old question, If a tree falls in a forest, and there's noone there to hear it, does it make a sound? And many have pondered this question for many thousands of years. And you know it's just one of those questions where there is no clear answer. Cause everyone has a different philosophy of it. But it is, if a tree falls in the forest, it does indeed create sound waves. But they are not registered as sound, unless there is a receiver, such as the ear drum there to register those waves and record them as a sound. So, does it create a sound? No, it creates a wave. It is truly not a sound unless there is something there to receive it. Just as if a person with a , there is only one radio in the entire world, and someone used that to transmit. Are they making a sound? If there is nothing to pick it up, then what they have transmitted is a sound wave, but not a sound when there is nothing there to receive it and interpret it and bring it forth as a sound. Such is as the ear drum. It is a receiver.
So know that when you put out thoughts, you are putting out energies, and there are millions of people and plants and animals, around the world to receive these thoughts that you put out on whatever level. So it is more than ever, to be careful of your thoughts, to be uplifting in your thoughts. Be conscious of your words that you say. Say positive things. Even if you must say something that you think is not positive, find a positive way to say it. You know, it is the favorite teacher to dislike. You know that is a positive way of saying it. You know again we speak of four letter words. Hate and love are two four letter words, but with very different energy. So, you know, you change it from you know I hate something to well that really doesn't bring me joy. I really dislike , you know, you start changing the words. But also, change the way you react to some things, even if it means you remove yourself from some things. If a situation's not bringing you joy, you remove yourself. Or find a way to make it as joyful as possible for you. If it is not a situation that you can remove yourself from, then change how you feel about it. Change how you think about it. And again we go to the example of the janitor who whistles and sings while he mops the floor. Now maybe he really wouldn't like to be mopping that floor, you know, maybe he's mopping up in a high school where kids have thrown trash and gum all day long they don't care, they figure someone else will clean it up. Now, he could get angry about every piece of trash that is thrown. But, he has decided that he would rather not have that gum wrapper, that piece of paper, make him feel that way. Or that student who threw it down, to make him feel that way. So he changes his energy about it. He may even say, I don't care. It doesn't matter. I'm not going to remember this gum wrapper ten years from now, it doesn't matter. And so he sings and he whistles and he has a positive energy. And so it is that whatsoever you are about, that you be about it with joy. Let you be about it with happiness. Let you be about it in divinity, and in love. And in this way, you manifest within yourself, a very strong energy, very strong energy. And as you manifest this in yourself, do you so change your energy and this becomes your vibration. And this is the vibration in the space that you put out there. And this is what you put out, not only for yourself, but for others that need to feel this, need to know that it exists. They need to have hope that it exists, and that they too can have it. For there are so many that have no hope. No hope of having this feeling. No hope of even believing that it exists. They think it's in fairy tales. They think it's in reruns of Leave it to Beaver. They think it does not exist in reality. Happiness is not a big home or a big building, though it can bring you joy. Mother Theresa lives in poverty. She lives in a shanty town. She sleeps on the earth. She sleeps on the dirt floor with a mat. She goes hungry just like everybody else. But she has a strong presence and joy in her heart. And then when she is flown somewhere and honored they put her up in a hotel that costs five, six, eight hundred, a thousand dollars a night. And sometimes she still sleeps on the floor. For it is not that eight hundred dollar hotel room that brings her joy. It is what is inside of her. Now this is not to say ok you take a vow of poverty and cannot have physical comforts or things like that you can indeed have them. Have them with joy, have them in honor. For they are here to serve you. But do not lose your focus. That your focus is that this chair brings you joy. This chair can be comfortable and that can be joyful. But it is everyone that is present in the room that brings joy. If there was no piece of furniture in this room, but the carpet to sit on, and maybe there's no carpet, there's a concrete floor. This room would be wonderful. This room would be filled with joy and happiness. And warmth. And that is what it is about. This building can house that energy and joy and you can share the energy and joy with the building. But what is a building without joy within it? And joy does not need a building. So it is to have this wherever you are at. Whatever vehicle you drive, whatever place you work in. Whatever place you happen to be at in the moment. Have joy. If you find yourself in an unusual place, you run out of gas in an unusual place, or you have to stop for gas in a part of town that you would rather not stop in, know that you are there for a reason. Project your energy out and have joy that you are there. Say, this is great, I'm here for a reason, I hope it's not to get mugged, but yes, I'm here for a reason. And put that joy and energy out. It may be that you bring a smile to the cashier who has not had very many smiling people all day. Or someone filling up the gas tank next to you. Or a little old lady that you help fill her gas tank. So know that you are there for a reason. Even if that reason is to do nothing but place your energy there for the time that you are there. And be it thusly that it is your presence and your energy that you bring. This is more important than ever. With the next full moon you will begin to see more changes. Right before the full moon you will begin to see some happen. And they'll say, people are going crazy. And they are. Cause they can't comprehend what they are feeling. They are confused. Many of them are literally like coming out of almost like a drugged sleep. They go what, what, what's going on? Did I miss something? They don't know what's going on. They're confused, they're spun around. So you help them, if nothing else by just being in their energy presence. You may never touch them, you may never speak to them. But you put out an energy and you anchor that energy in the earth. Why do you think so many people have cats nowadays and dogs nowadays? They are more grounded in the energy. You know they do surveys now that say twenty five years ago 20% of the homes had one cat and maybe 5% of the homes had 2 cats. And now they say that 60% of the homes have 2 or more cats. Because the animals bring in this energy. And they give off a vibration. Yeah, of course, they're like humans, you know, some of them are giving off different vibrations. But for the most part they bring in a grounding energy and a healing energy and a loving energy. And people are very much needing this. People who've never been drawn to have a pet before, now want a pet. They may start with a fish or a parakeet. But they are being drawn to have the energy of the animals about them. All of a sudden they're being drawn to have a box garden when they've never cared for anything other than a plastic plant because they didn't have to water it. So they now want live things around them. And live things of good energy. And this is good for people who are in healing. If possible to have an animal about them. If they cannot have an animal, have live plants around them. And this will bring much healing energy. So this may not sound like a strong message tonight, But there are not that many stronger messages that we can give you. Particularly at this time. And as time goes on, through the next three, four, five, six months, you will see how truly important this is. And it's not at the end of six months, it's no longer important. It is just on to the next step. And on to the next level. And more things to happen. Though there will be a time where you feel like you, you know you get to take a breather and sit out. Take a deep breath and center the energy about you. So you know you will find that coming more about after mid-November. So you will find a respite then for yourself. But this is also a message to share with other awakened ones who are open to it. Astrologically, there can be found that there are many reasons for this also. But, overall, the main thing is, it is the ending of an Age. It's the ending of the Piscean Age. It's the beginning of a New Age. It's the beginning of the Aquarian Age. And in any transition, there is of necessity, many things that must come of to closure. So that there can be more openings and new beginnings. And it depends on us. How gentle and effortless these closures may be and the openings may be. For sometimes it may be easy to shut the old door, but a bit challenging even to open the new door. So we pray that in the times to come and in the future, that these words will come back to you. Even at the most odd moment. But the message will come to you. And bring knowingness inside of you. And bring a centeredness in to you and to your awareness. So that you may project that energy outwards.
And we would ask now what questions it is that you would choose to ask?
(rest of tape not yet transcribed/typed in ~ sorry....)