Tape 10- 02/26/95. Golden white energy initiation guided meditation. Transcribed by Dave.

SHAR*EL: Very well then, it is that we are here with you now. And we first do begin by offering this prayer, in which we ask Father/Mother God, please be with us in this and all such works, leading us to that information that is of the highest good, surrounding us in this home with the impenetrable white Christ light, and raising our vibrations and our awareness to the highest possible in each and every moment. We ask now for the Lord Saint Germain and Archangel Raphael and Archangel Michael to be with us, working with us, in us, and through us at this time. And we offer a joyous prayer for all those souls in all realms and dimensions for whom there are none joined in joyous prayer at this time. We offer them many blessings, and peace, and love, and light in the name of our Father, the Creator of all things. And so it is that we are blessed also. And so be it.

Well, it is that we welcome each of you this evening, and it is that there is, appropriately, a small group for the conducive energy here. For we would like to ask, at this time, each of you to participate in an exercise that will require your physical participation. And we do this at the beginning, even though we know you are comfortable, we would ask you to stand, at this time, in a position that is comfortable for you, but with your feet spread approximately a foot to a foot and a half apart from each other with your hands down at your sides. So we would ask each of you to stand, at this time, at anyplace in the room that is comfortable for you.

You will find that what we will be doing here is an energy initiation for each of you, but that it works well with this group together as a whole. And this, again, is why the group is so small.

So, as you stand, we ask you to take three deep breaths, slowly inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. And as you are doing this deep breathing, we will talk about what it is we will be asking you to do and to visualize.

We will ask you to begin to visualize energy running up and down the outline of your body, in the white and gold color. So beginning, say, at your left outside foot, and running up the outside of the left side of the body, and across the top of the head, and back down the right side - sort of making an outline or silhouette of your body in this energy.

And you will be visualizing this running around you - say in the form of liquid light. And then visualize it beginning to spread out and encompass you in the form of an egg - so that you are in this embryo of energy, and surrounded by this egg of energy.

And the colors here, again, are the gold and the white - and we would call this the "liquid light form" that you are working with.

And once you feel that you are completely encased in this egg or cocoon of light, inhale deeply, inhaling some of this light down in through your entire lung capacity. And exhale anything that this light has replaced within your lungs.

And inhale again - deeply filling your lungs with this liquid light, and exhaling whatever this liquid light has replaced within your lungs.

And again, one more time, inhaling the liquid light, and exhaling whatever it replaced in your lungs.

Now, breathing this light in, take it directly to your heart- and fill your heart with this light, and exhale anything that was replaced in your heart by this light.

And now breathing it down through both arms, all the way to the fingertips - inhaling this gold liquid light all the way to the ends of your fingertips in both arms - and exhaling whatever it replaced in both arms.

And now we will go down the left leg, inhaling the gold light all the way down to the toes of the left leg, and exhaling out whatever it replaced.

And inhaling now for the right leg, all the way down to the toes of the right leg, and exhaling whatever it replaced.

Now take a moment to stand in this energy, and feel this flowing through you before we go any further.

Now, visualize your entire skeletal structure, from the neck down. And breathe this light into your entire skeletal structure from the neck down - through every rib, every bone, in your arm, and your leg, and your fingers - filling them - and visualize them glowing -in the golden white light - your skeletal structure.

Now, from the top of the spine down, inhale this gold light, having it go down the spine all the way to the bottom. And as you exhale, draw up the spine and out anything that it replaced.

And now we go to the head - breathing in, to the entire head, the brain, the sinuses, the eyes, the teeth, every cavity, every ear canal, filling it, inhaling deeply, and sending this golden white light through the entire head. And exhaling, again, anything that it replaced.

And now take a moment to scan your body. And feel if there is anywhere in your body that you do not feel the light is strong. Place your hand over that area of the body, and then inhale again, and send golden white light directly to that area.

Next, visualize every cell in your body - as a vibrational structure - and inhale a gold light that disperses through every single cell of your body. Your hair, your nails, your skin, every cell in your body is now going to be activated with this white and gold light. You will inhale it three times, and exhale it three times. . . .

Now, stand in this energy, and know that this golden white light is you, and is your essence. Feel this energy vibrating through every cell in you and around you. It is entirely encompassing your entire auric field. Every atom in your auric field is vibrating with this white and gold light. Every atom within your cellular structure of your physical body is vibrating with this white and gold light.

Allow this light to also go into your eyes. . . so that you may send it out through your eyes to other living things on this planet; and this is the animal, the vegetable, the mineral, the human life forms, it is anything that has a living cell within it. You can transmit this energy to them, through your eyes, or through your breath.

Be in this essence. Be in this energy.

Now, the next part of this visualization: You shall take this energy down through the seven chakras and the soles of your feet, and anchor them to the center of the Earth. You can visualize the center of the Earth as a golden star, a ball of light, a molten mass. But anchor now, this energy, through the seven chakras and your feet, down to the center of the Earth, and back up to your feet again. Breathe out down in to the Earth, inhale back up from the Earth. Exhale down in to the Earth, and breathe back up receiving from the Earth. And one more time, exhale in to the Earth, and breathe back up from the Earth.

Now you have anchored this energy within you, and grounded it in the center of the planet. Now, bringing this light up through the chakras and your feet, and through your body and up your spine, projecting it out your crown chakra, as far out as it will go - to the clouds, to the trees, to outer space, to out of this galaxy - visualize it like "mercury in a thermometer." Inhale more light energy in from the energy around you, and as you exhale, you send it out, straight up, and visualize your energy going higher and further out. Like the mercury in a thermometer, it is going from 30 degrees to 60 degrees to 90 degrees. It is going further out with each inhale - and exhale.

This anchors you as a Light Worker. And this also puts out, say, your sign or your signal as a Light Worker. And this is your energy to be in. It is a very strong energy, and it indeed affects the cellular, molecular structure of your body. If you feel tired after this, rest. If you feel like being reclusive after this, rest. If you feel like running a marathon after this, run. But, allow your body to process it in a way that is appropriate for you. Stand strong in this energy as you walk your path. This is your energy and you own it.

And once more, inhale and exhale as you center this energy now, in your solar plexus.

You may call upon this energy at any time.

And, as you feel ready, you may return to wherever you were, whether sitting or lying down - and we will put the tape on pause for a moment.

Now, as you are centered in this energy, send this energy now to, say, a golden flame or a ball of light in the center of the room. Visualize this, and send the energy from your solar plexus to the ball in the center of the room.

And as each of you do this, now it will begin to go up like a fountain - and this light will come out and shower each of us present in this room. So we are all bathed by the fountain of light that comes from the center of the room - from which we are all sending energy into, the energies intermingling, and blessing each of us.

But now, the fountain goes higher, and goes up - and comes down in a fountain around this home. So visualize now - the water shooting up higher, and coming down in a fountain around the home.

Continuously sending energy from you, from your solar plexus, this energy that you just created within yourself. Know that you have all the energy you need and can draw upon it at any time and are fully abundant.

Sending this energy into the center of the room, and up like a fountain, it now goes up and covers an area about ten miles wide, as it comes back down now. So visualize this fountain of light coming back down in an area of about ten miles in circumference.

And now taking a deep breath, and inhaling from your own auric field, this light. . . .

Exhale, and from your "out" breath, and from your solar plexus, send the light into the center of the room; send that fountain up, up, up, and so high that it now comes down and encompasses the entire planet - bathing it with this light.

The light is coming down from a fountain, and can touch any part of the planet - whether it is on the side facing the moon or facing the sun- every part of the planet is touched.

Know that the animal kingdom, and particularly the dolphins and the whales, are very aware of this energy, in this moment, being sent out. And as this energy touches the planet. It raises its energy, and its vibrations, and blesses it. Each living cell touched by this, each living organism, is blessed by this, being in the light.

And now slowly bringing the energy back down - just like the water pressure is going down in a fountain. And slowly stepping the energy down - for you do not want to draw it back in to you when it is at that height - slowly bringing it back down, visualize a fountain being turned off for the night, and the water pressure goes down.

And now the energy level is back down to the ball in the center of the room. And then, as you feel ready, slowly disconnect your energy from the ball in the center of the room, and draw it back towards you and your solar plexus.

And be centered once again in your space.

And your energy.

And your essence of being-ness.

And we do so thank you very much for your participation in this.